Never Give Up is one of the strong affirmations most of us use in our life.
So, What is the meaning of Never give up?
“Never give up” means believing in yourself and trying one more time when you feel like quitting whenever you are facing failure.
Success does not come so easy and quick. It comes with hard work, failures, pain, obstacles, and many.
It will be challenging when you start working on your dreams.
And it gets hard going further. You will be thinking of giving up.
But we can achieve success if we have a never-give-up attitude and remove all the negative thinking from our minds.
Let us look at 3 inspiring short stories on never giving up to achieve success in your life.
#1. Short Stories on Never Give Up – Football player

Rivaldo was playing football from the age of 4. When he was 7, he joined a local football club.
He attended the training regularly but never got a chance to play in matches. He was indirectly not given any opportunity because of the few people in the club. When he checked, it was the rift they had with his father.
But the coach had faith him in. He informed Rivaldo, focus your training, one day, you will get the chance.
Rivaldo had no other option but to continue training in the clubs. He was training very hard and focused on improving his game.
Even after two years in the club, he never played in a match. He was not even allowed to travel along with the team.
One day their club had a charity match, where a famous footballer was a chief guest.
While the team was planning to travel, one of the support staff who used to take care of kits got ill. So, they needed someone for this.
The coach thought this should be an opportunity for Rivaldo. So, he told him to travel with the team and take care of the kits. Other support staff objected to it, but he convinced them.
The team reached the stadium. There were a lot of crowds to witness the celebrity footballer.
For Rivaldo, this is his first-time experience in the stadium.
He was helping the other players with the kits for the pre-match training.
While the training was going on, the opposite team coach came for a chat with Rivaldo’s coach.
After some time, he came and told Rivaldo, “You are playing today. Go with him”.
Rivaldo, for a moment, got frozen and asked him why.
He Said, “Some of the players from the opposite team got injured while training. So, they were short of players. They need someone to be in the field to make it 11.
But I know you are more than that. So, go and prove yourself”.
There was resistance from the support staff. Luckily for Rivaldo, the opposite team management, through the organizing committee, convinced Rivaldo’s team management to play him.
When the match started, Rivaldo was running like a Leopard. He was dribbling the ball with ease. His coach and teammates were shocked by Rivaldo’s performance.
He scored a hat trick in the game and won the match for his team 4 – 2.
Witnessing his performance in the match, the celebrity footballer told Rivaldo to meet him in his club for a training session.
After the session, he got signed for the junior team. Later he went on to represent the senior team and for his country. Rivaldo becomes one of the leading goal scorers for his club.
Moral of the story
In life, we may not get what we want very freely. But we should never give up. Continue working towards it, and one day, you will reach it.
There will be many roadblocks in your life that try to pull you down. But you have to face those hurdles and wait for the night opportunities.
When the moment comes, grab it with both hands and fly towards your dream.
#2. Short Stories on Never Give Up – Bamboo tree

Sachin started a textile business. He invested all the money from his savings into the business. Also, he borrowed some money from his friends and family.
He was doing small projects and delivering to customers. The revenue from these projects was less. And it was only sufficient to run his base.
As the years passed, he was still getting only small projects. But he maintained top quality for all the deliveries. He tried very hard to get big projects but could not get one.
Some of his friends and family members who have lent the money to him started asking for the money.
Sachin doesn’t know what to do. He thought of selling his textile business.
One day he was sitting on a farm and thinking. A farmer asked him, “Why are you so upset? What is the problem?”
Sachin replied his business was not giving returns what he thought. So, thinking of selling it off as it’s not worth pursuing anymore.
The farmer, hearing this took him to his farm. He showed a mango tree and a bamboo tree.
He said, “I planted both the trees at the same time. Both the plants were equally nurtured with water, fertilizer, and required sunshine.
After the first year, the mango tree grows to a certain height. In the Bamboo, there were no signs of activity.
In the second year, the mango tree has grown further. But still, there were no signs of growth in the Bamboo tree.
It continued for the third and fourth years. In the fifth year, mango trees started producing fruits. Still, there were no signs.
My family and fellow farmers told me not to waste any time on the bamboo tree. But I never go up.
After a week, there was a sign of growth in the bamboo tree.
Then within six weeks, the tree has grown to 100 Feet.
Then I realized, in the first four years, it was developing its root deep underground for a base strong enough to support its outside growth.
If the tree had not developed a strong base, it could not have withstood its growth.
So, the same principle applies to your business as well. Until now, you have created a strong base by delivering quality products.
Wait for your time and never give up.”
After hearing this story, Sachin thanked the farmer for the motivation.
He went back to his friends and family. Requested them for some more time for returning the money. And they all agreed.
He then started exploring the opportunities and went to big companies for orders. In the third month, he got the order from a big company worth millions.
He and his team successfully delivered their order on time with top quality. Seeing the quality of the product, the MNC Continued giving orders to Sachin’s textile industry.
Sachin settled all the money to his family and friends. His business is now running into a highly profitable business.
Moral of the Story:
Many of you have dreams and goals, like starting a business, being an athlete, or being a CEO. But it is not easy to achieve all these goals.
In the initial years, you have to put a lot of hard work and time into your goals. And the results may not be visible even after that.
But you should never give up. Just like the bamboo tree, you are building a stable foundation.
Once the base is strong, you will grow just like the bamboo tree and achieve your goals.
#3. Short Stories on Never Give Up – Potato, Egg, and Coffee Bean

Image Source: Mae Mu, Chad Elliott, Mockup graphics from Unsplash
Lara joined as a trainee in an IT company with a good package through campus interviews from her college.
Like any graduate, she had big dreams for her career.
She was given all kinds of training in the initial months. After the training, she started working on project execution.
Lara started enjoying the work she was doing. She was delivering all the projects deliverables on time without any issues. In parallel, she gave technical solutions to team members when needed and helped the team in creating a new process for the team.
Lara’s active participation does not go well with other team members.
They started creating indirect problems for her like, not giving proper inputs, not listening to her ideas, and not involving her in the meetings.
It continued for some time. For Lara, the work she was previously enjoying now started giving stress.
One day while she was having her lunch, Carolin, Senior Manager from another team, joined her table. She was a mentor for Lara during her initial months.
Lara was looking upset. Seeing her, Carolin asked her, “Why are you upset? Any problem? Let me know if I can help, if possible?.”
She replied, “Nothing, all good.”
Lara said, “I’ve known you for some time. Something in your mind is bothering you. Just open yourself. We can find a solution!
She replied, “I am planning to put my resignation. This work culture is very hard on me, and I am giving up”.
After listening to her, Carolin Said, “This weekend, come to my house for dinner, let us talk about this.”
Lara went to her house. Before dinner, she took Lara to her kitchen and showed three vessels filled with water. She told Lara to place all the vessels on the stove and bring them to boil.
She then told Lara to put the potatoes in the first vessel, the egg in the second, and coffee beans in the third.
After 15 minutes, she turned Off the stove. She asked Lara to peel the potatoes and eggs and place them in a bowl. Then pour the coffee into a cup.
They placed all of them on a table.
Carolin asked, “What are you seeing now?.”
She replied, “Potatoes, Eggs, and coffee.”
Carolin asks her to touch them and tell her what you feel.
She replied, “Potatoes are soft, eggs were hard, and coffee smells good!
Carolin said, “You see, we have put each one of them in the same boiling water. And they reacted differently.
Potatoes that were hard become soft.
Fragile eggs turned hard.
Hard coffee beans melt in the water.
So, which one are you?
When you give up, you are like a potato. Soft and easy to smash. Anyone can easily control you.
When you never give up, you become hard like a boiled egg.
When you are like a coffee bean, you will change the situation and turn it to your favor.”
Lara, hearing her, realized she should never give up and has to be strong like an egg.
Moral of the story
The same boiling water that softened the potato hardens the egg.
In life, challenges come from different directions but, we should never give up on ourselves.
One day our life will be low, and the next day it will be high. It is up to us how we react to each situation. Don’t think only about the negative side of your life.
Be Optimistic when the going gets tough, raise your level, and change like an egg.
Featured Image Source: Mille007 on Pixabay
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