Distraction is an act that prevents someone from concentrating on something.
Distraction plays a major role in our life, whether during working hours, playing a match, or during family time. It comes in a different format and reduces our productivity in every task.
We can overcome distractions if we make a few changes in our habits that help us to keep our focus on the target.
To help you overcome distraction, we have 40 Distraction Quotes to improve your focus for a better life.
Quotes about Distraction
1.“An addiction to distraction is the end of your creative production.” – Robin Sharma.

2.“You can always find a distraction if you’re looking for one.” – Tom Kite.

3.“The greatest threat to the state is not faction but distraction.” – Aristotle.
4.“Thinking is the ultimate distraction, the ultimate escape from reality.” – Marty Rubin.
5.“Never let anyone or anything distract you from noticing how amazing you are.” – Edmond Mbiaka.
6.“Thinking is good for your mind, but too much thinking leads to distraction.” – Unkown
7.“One man’s distraction is another man’s refuge.” – Khang Kijarro Nguyen
No Distraction quotes
8.“Say ‘no’ to distraction so you can say ‘yes’ to your destiny.” – Thema Davis.

9.“The result of information overload is usually distraction, and it dilutes your focus and takes you off your game.” – Zig Ziglar
10.“Be so busy improving yourself that you don’t have time to pay attention to anything or anyone that distracts you from your growth.” – unknown
11.“In an age of distraction, nothing can feel more luxurious than paying attention.” – Pico Iyer

12.“Distractions must be conquered or they will conquer us. So let us cultivate simplicity; let us walk in the Spirit.” – Aiden Wilson Tozer
13.“When distractions are manifold, it’s best to remember what you are supposed to be doing.” – David Levithan
Love Distraction Quotes
14.“Immersing oneself in the problems of a book is a good way to keep from thinking of love.” – Orhan Pamuk.
15.“The most dangerous distractions are the ones you love, but that don’t love you back.” – Warren Buffet

16.“Love is your one and only goal everything else is a distraction.” – J.R. Incer
17.“Be careful because sometimes distractions can come into your life dressed as love and attention when it’s in fact a distraction.” – Scarlet Jei Saoirse
18.“Disconnect from everything long enough to see if it feeds your soul or if it’s a distraction. What’s deeply connected will always remain.” – Maryam Hasnaa
Distraction Quotes in Life
19.“Multi-tasking arises out of distraction itself.” – Marilyn Vos Savant
20.“Study and practice as much as you can. There will be distractions, such as friends or family wanting your time and attention, but make sure your work doesn’t suffer.” – Dana Levin.
21.“You can’t do big things if you’re distracted by small things.” – Unknown
22.“By prevailing over all obstacles and distractions, one may unfailingly arrive at his chosen goal or destination.” – Christopher Columbus
23.“Work is hard. Distractions are plentiful. And time is short.” – Adam Hochschild

24.“People allow themselves to get distracted; I think ultimately, probably the biggest thing that gets in the way of people doing at any point in time is distraction.” –David Allen
25.“Less distraction, more focus. Less gossip, more encouragement. Less past, more future. Less toxicity, more positivity.” – Robin Sharma
26.“Happiness can only be found if you can free yourself of all other distractions.” – Saul Bellow
27.“I’ve trained all my life not to be distracted by distractions.” – Nik Wallenda
Motivational Distraction Quotes
28.“I’m here to build something for the long term. Anything else is a distraction.” – Mark Zuckerberg.
29.“Distraction wastes our energy, concentration restores it.” – Sharon Salzberg
30.“Very powerful distraction nowadays are the notification sounds from social media.” – Giridharan K
31.“Distractions destroy action. If it’s not moving you towards your purpose, leave it alone.” – Jermaine Riley

32.“When there are thoughts, it is distraction: when there are no thoughts, it is meditation.” – Ramana Maharshi
33.“Take an occasional holiday from what you love or you’ll end up hating what you love.” – Unknown
34.“On your way to accomplish greatness, you will hear a lot of noise. Listen to your inner voice and never let the distraction of the crowd discolor your poise.” – Israelmore Ayivor
35.“Distraction is the only thing that consoles us for miseries and yet it is itself the greatest of our miseries.” – Blaise Pascal
Quotes about Distraction from Goals
36.“Messes create distraction. And distraction reduces your power to achieve every goal you set.” – Robin Sharma.
37.“Don’t let other people distract you from your course. It is your life, not theirs. You need to be committed and true to yourself.” – Unkown
38.“Sincere thought means thought of concentration (quiet awareness). The thought of a distracted mind cannot be sincere.” – Bruce Lee.
39.“We fight too many battles that don’t matter. If the battle is not between you and your destiny, then it is a distraction. You have to learn to let things go.” – Joel Osteen

40.“Stop getting distracted by things that have nothing to do with your goals.” – Unkown
Featured Image Source: Nubelson Fernandes via Unsplash
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